5 social storytelling hacks for your social media management

August 25, 2019
min read


5 social storytelling hacks for your social media management
Storytelling has a different logic when used online and through social media. That's why you should always keep the following tips in mind. Here are five storytelling hacks for social media management.

1. Capture the attention of your audience. 

Catch it fast. How can you make your story a thumb stopper in the endless Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat feeds? Surprise people! If you don't capture your audience's attention within the first five seconds, you're lost.

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Mess with the traditional "beginning-middle-end" story structure. For example, tell a Breaking Bad-like story and begin with a crucial scene from the end of your story. This creates a WTF experience within the first five seconds. Or give away the hint of the story at the beginning: "What if I tell you that you are also a potential hitman?". Trust me, you will have captured all the attention. 

2. Create series 

It's not that hard: people. Love. series. Get inspired by the success of Netflix, watch YouTube, listen to iTunes: everything is connected through series. And online media lends itself perfectly to this: vlogs and blogs on a particular topic, hashtags to link things together, podcasts, three series of Instagram photos. People like some routine and consistency, nothing as simple as clicking "subscribe" and knowing what kind of stories you'll see in the coming weeks.

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3. Make 'em care, make 'em share. 

Sometimes my students spend hours working on a perfect meme, infographic, YouTube video or Instagram photo series. But too often during feedback rounds, I have to say, "why should I care?" That is the most important question you should ask yourself, preferably before you start: how do I match my story with my target audience's field of interest? Indeed: how do I make MY story also THEIR story ? How do I touch my audience so they like, comment and share with their friends? Why should I care? Why should I share? Make it your mantra. A crucial trick: make it clear in your story why your message matters to everyone. 

4. Make it human 

People believe other people. Especially when communicating as an organization or brand, this is an important trick. Every epic story has a hero, a character who goes through something and has to overcome certain things to achieve a goal. Therefore, you should use authentic people in your story, preferably people who laugh, cry, succeed and fail, people who do interesting things. Leave some room for emotions, because we are all made of flesh and blood. And sometimes we are so damn sensitive. 

5. Remember Hansel and Gretel 

Fairy tales, myths and fables belong to the collective memory. They have value, a logical structure, imaginative heroes and anti-heroes, heroic scenes and a good deal of suspense with an impressive finale. And we dig that. So think of Hansel and Gretel when you think about telling a story. Steal their values, clear structure, pathos, drama and type of characters and put them into your contemporary creations. They will make your stories more magnetic and fluid and will more easily captivate and reach audiences. 

Why tell stories about social media management? 

  • Social media management gives your brand a human voice 
  • It allows you to lead the conversation around your story 
  • And makes it possible to monitor responses (bye, trolls) 

Why bring your social media management storytelling to Chase Creative? 

  • Finding the right person to fit your brand 
  • Building an online experience 
  • We have more than 5 years of experience in social media management

Text by Pieter Blomme, social storytelling expert at Chase Creative.

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