The goal
Marjolein conducts research on water purification and industrial and circular water technology and often lectures on water at universities, schools and associations throughout the country.
<p> <p><CENTER>___</CENTER><p><CENTER>Ontdekken hoe wij jouw merk helpen groeien?</CENTER></p><CENTER><div class="post_button"><a href="/agency/contact" class="button is-small">Ok, we spreken af</a></div></CENTER>
When I talk to people, I notice that very few Belgians know where our drinking water comes from and what's in it. So my main goal is to inform people about the quality of our drinking water. Drinking tap water is perfectly safe here in Belgium and yet we remain one of the countries with the highest consumption of bottled water. So I want to create awareness, show what science is doing and offer transparency. - Marjolein
Our social story
The idea for this podcast originated in the Podlab XL project of our colleague Pieter Blomme and podcast friend Eva Moeraert. After a pilot episode was created, the Chase Creative team, including Pieter Blomme as lead audio storyteller, Wederik De Backer as audio editor, our COO Jan D'hont for consulting and audience development, and senior account manager Anastassia Oudovitchenko, took the next steps. We coached, edited, mixed the 7 episodes and created an audience development plan around this show, including:
- hosting publication
- press campaign
- social advertising campaign
- dedicated podcast landing page
- copywriting
- podcast art graphics
- creation of audio
- video teaser
<iframe style="border-radius:12px" src="https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/1tVf52MOZNXOTvhvMCcUYO?utm_source=generator" width="100%" height="152" frameBorder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" loading="lazy"></iframe> Is kraanwater gezond? Kan het besmet zijn met hormonen? Is er genoeg drinkwater op de planeet? In elke aflevering gaat Marjolein Vanoppen in gesprek met een panel van experts over de kostbaarste grondstof van het komende decennium. Dit samen met haar vader die soms sceptisch kan zijn, waardoor het format op een authentieke manier wat meer body kreeg.
The result
Almost 75% of listeners listened to the end of the podcast. In the first week of release, we were the Belgian number one podcast on Apple podcasts in the earth sciences category and various media such as VRT NWS.
<CENTER>___</CENTER><p><CENTER>Vraagt u zich af of uw merk een podcast moet starten?</CENTER></p><CENTER><div class="post_button"><a href="/agency/contact" class="button is-small w-button">Contacteer ons</a></div></CENTER>