About the podcast
In a world of appearances and cool Instagram stories, it is sometimes easy to forget that everyone is going through something. You are not alone. Even when things aren't going so smoothly, one should feel comfortable admitting it. From this idea, we partnered with Leef, CM's health magazine, to create a podcast that focuses on (mental) health and how to discuss it.
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The goal
Overall: making health, and also the often overlooked aspect of mental health, more accessible to the public. There is still a real taboo around certain conditions or mental health problems that makes some people feel that silence is easier than talking. The podcast tries to break this silence by showing that everyone, including well-known Flemish people who are in the spotlight every day, has to deal with problems.
<iframe style="border-radius:12px" src="https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/4e0Eku7ANfkKwRHeR9UMp8?utm_source=generator" width="100%" height="152" frameBorder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" loading="lazy"></iframe><iframe style="border-radius:12px" src="https://open.spotify.com/embed/episode/0Qyk4NHkwNOtmOdiKY2Jw4?utm_source=generator" width="100%" height="152" frameBorder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" loading="lazy"></iframe>
The process
The five-part podcast series offers an intimate biweekly insight into the life of one well-known Fleming. They address their problems and concerns in an open and honest way.
- Starting May 27, hear how Sven de Leijer deals with his sleep problem.
- Next up is Lize Spit. She talks candidly about her diabetes and what impact the disease has on her daily life.
- Worriers will undoubtedly recognize themselves in Fatma Taspinar's testimony. In episode 3, she talks about doubt and uncertainty.
- Ben Segers also makes himself heard, fighting the stigma surrounding bipolar mood disorder.
- Ann Ceurvels takes you through her daily life as a caregiver of her son on the spectrum.
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The results
Just 1 week after its launch, the podcast already achieved second place in the health category. With only one episode on the clock, "What You Didn't Know About..." ranked among the incumbents within the category, just behind "Patient Pedro," which also ranked No. 1 in all categories.
<img class="editorial-image" src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/637fa006bbd6df2ee73927fb/645136126dc1da54fd23a513_cXZePonvjigbwmQRpFxCxYDuVoLXAeJLldAT21M2g9s.jpeg"/>
We are already looking forward to the launch of the next episodes and most of all hope that the podcast gets people talking.
Production: Hanne Penninck & Anastassia Oudovitchenko
Preproduction, research and editing: Lara Braeken
Shoot, edit & mix: Wederik De Backer
Storycoach: Pieter Blomme
Strategy & consultancy: Petra Beeckx & Jan D'hont
Host: Stephanie Lemmens (CM Health Fund)
<p> </p><CENTER>___</CENTER><p><CENTER>Vraagt u zich af of uw merk een podcast moet starten?</CENTER></p><CENTER><div class="post_button"><a href="/agency/contact" class="button is-small w-button">Contacteer ons</a></div></CENTER>