How this inspiring branded podcast from Agoria is making a difference in the tech world

June 6, 2023
min read

How this inspiring branded podcast from Agoria is making a difference in the tech world
In this podcast series from Agoria, we engage with CEOs of tech companies. They tell us candidly about what drives and inspires them. How do they manage to set the stage for themselves, their company, their employees and their customers, time and time again? How do they continue to "make a difference" every day?

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An Agoria podcast with Elisa Brevet ...

With her finger on the pulse, journalist and entrepreneur Elisa Brevet meets tech entrepreneurs. Thanks to her personal experiences as an entrepreneur, she knows best how to dig deep into the lives of CEOs and find out what has made the difference for them.

And Magali De Reu…

If it has to be deep and thorough, Magali De Reu is the perfect person for the job. Curiosity is right up her alley. As an entrepreneur, columnist, speaker and author, in this podcast she talks to tech CEOs about what drives them in life. As entrepreneurs, but also as human beings.

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The Difference / La Différence

A podcast about the technology sector, that's been done before. A podcast about what really matters within that same sector? That's something else. To put tech companies in the spotlight, Agoria, the federation for Belgian tech companies, decided to start an audio series. Chase was allowed to take the lead in this. Enter: Het Verschil - La Différence, a bilingual podcast series with business leaders within the technology sector, presented in four Dutch and four French episodes.

Together with Agoria, we came up with the strategy and concept, assembled a production team and created the corporate identity for the podcast, including logos, thumbnails, audiograms and video teasers. In short, we took care of the entire production from idea to final editing.

The challenges

  • Coming up with a concept that adds value to the target audience.
  • Developing a format that works for the two official national languages.
  • Attracting successful entrepreneurs who make a clear difference within the industry.
  • Casting two suitable hosts who could find their way around the entrepreneurial landscape, one host per language.
  • Targeting successful entrepreneurs in the technology sector when promoting the podcast.

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The results

  • Attractive podcast teasers in Dutch and French.
  • 8 episodes of in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs in the tech sector.

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  • Production: Hanne Penninck, Hanne van Vlaenderen
  • Editor & edit: Hanne Penninck, Hanne van Vlaenderen, Pieter Blomme
  • Story coach: Pieter Blomme
  • Recording & mix: Wederik de Backer, Emma Ducheyne, Lucas Derycke
  • Research: Sibylle Dechamps, Peter Ansoms, Nele Laus, Sarah Godard
  • Hosts: Magali De Reu & Elisa Brevet
  • Strategy & consultancy: Jan D'hont
  • Promotion: Jan D'hont, Hanne Penninck, Michael Chin, Jelle Demonie 
  • Participating CEOs of member companies Agoria: Cédric Pierrard (Efficy), Pieter Lesage (Studio Dott), Bien Vanderstappen (, Pablo Rauwers (Rauwers), Ulrik Van Schepdael (Mobco), Lien Ceulemans (Salesforce), Benoît Deper (Aerospacelab), Leïla Maidane (Begreator)