HR podcast "Het Betere Werk": on how we keep our jobs workable

September 1, 2021
min read

HR podcast "Het Betere Werk": on how we keep our jobs workable
Raise your hand if you've never experienced stress at work. Or if you can perfectly put your phone aside all weekend. Also raise your hand if you've never followed an online meeting in pajamas.

About the podcast

We dare say fairly confidently: few if any people can raise their hand at all three questions. ⅙Flemings report suffering from burnout symptoms.

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Especially during the corona pandemic, the line between work and home has become blurred for many, requiring a lot of adaptability. Our job is a big part of our daily lives, which is precisely why it is so important to incorporate strategies to ensure our well-being there as well.

The fact that we can deliver such a quality product to which so many enthusiastic responses are coming is partly thanks to the professional guidance of Chase. - Sara Drieghe, Trustpunt, UGent

Throughout 6 episodes, hosts Lore Vermeulen (Trustpunt, UGent) and Pieter Blomme (Chase podcast expert) explore how we can keep our workable. Using personal stories from UGent employees and conversations with experts, they offer answers to work-related concerns in the HR podcast 'Het Betere Werk'. Topics include professors Johan Braeckman, Els Clays, Lieven De Marez, Emelien Lauwerier, Eveline Schollaert and professor/minister Petra de Sutter. Each episode provides concrete tools that you too might be able to apply at work.

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Podcast host Lore. Also confidant at Trustpunt at UGent.

The purpose of this HR podcast

In the words of UGent rector Rik Van de Walle: 

There is often still a taboo around mental well-being at work. With the UGent, we want to break that taboo. The real, recognizable stories in this podcast can help. They complement the concrete tools we offer our employees to increase their well-being.

What was originally supposed to be a project for and by UGent staff was soon opened up to the general public. Among others, UGent rector Rik van de Walle felt it was important that the podcast be accessible to everyone. The more people could get lessons from it, the better.

The process

The 6-part HR podcast, involved months of preparation work. In this, Chase and Ghent University quickly developed a good symbiosis. From the hosts, to the guests, to the testimonials: the role of UGent staff in making this podcast was indispensable. With the help of Sara and Lore from Trustpunt, the psychosocial welfare service at UGent, we managed to enlist dozens of colleagues for a personal story, including the rector and vice-rector. Hosts Pieter and Lore also both work at UGent.

Within this collaboration, Chase was responsible for:

  • Creative concept and podcast format
  • Technical hosting & publishing
  • Social advertising campaign
  • Own podcast landing page & copywriting
  • Podcast artwork, visuals and audiograms
  • Creation of audio & video teaser

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It was very nice working with young and driven people who know how to get things done. I experienced the contact as very accessible, I could discuss every concern and question. I was very pleasantly surprised by the professionalism of the final product. - Lore Vermeulen, Trustpunt UGent

The results

Only 1 week after its launch, 'Het Betere Werk' was already at number 1 in the health category on Apple Podcasts. In the general ranking, it reached the seventh place, ahead of a number of established names in the Flemish podcast world. Besides these great numbers, we also noticed a lot of enthusiasm among the UGent staff, and the social campaign was eagerly shared with the target group. This allowed us to create a lot of awareness and engagement around the theme of well-being at work.

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We are already enormously pleased with such results and, above all, hope that the listeners were also able to take away tips!

You can find the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or Spotify and, of course, on Het Betere Werk website.

Very glad I had the opportunity to contribute to this. I personally think this is a very successful podcast series with great testimonials revolving around well-being at work and then framed by experts. Highly recommended! (Mieke van Herreweghe - Vice-rector UGent)


  • Production: Hanne Penninck
  • Preproduction: Lara Braeken, Isabel Pousset
  • Research: Lore Vermeulen, Sara Drieghe, Nona Beele, Isabel Pousset, Lara Braeken.
  • Editor & edit: Lara Braeken
  • Recording & mix: Wederik De Backer
  • Storycoach: Pieter Blomme
  • Hosts: Pieter Blomme and Lore Vermeulen
  • Strategy & consultancy: Jan D'hont
  • Audience development: Hanne Penninck, Celien Feys, Ioni Villanueva, Annelies Droesbeke

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