Meet Cassandra Beyne: "Finding the best creative solutions for clients makes me happy"

April 13, 2021
min read

Meet Cassandra Beyne: "Finding the best creative solutions for clients makes me happy"
We met with Cassandra and talked about freelancing and her collaboration with Chase. Her lively spirit and bubbly personality are reflected in everything she does.

On March 11, Europe reached an important milestone in inclusiveness. In response to the deterioration of LGBTIQ rights in Poland and Hungary, MEPs officially declared the EU an "LGBTIQ Freedom Zone." Driving this initiative is Renew Europe, our new client. Since Chase has always been vocal about equality and diversity, we are proud to support them in spreading awareness around pressing issues such as LGBTIQ rights.

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Our creative team created social media visuals and a series of video testimonials under the slogan "Same love, same rights." One of the lead creative forces was Cassandra Beyne, a 27-year-old freelance graphic and motion designer.

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Visuals for the campaign "Same love, same rights" (client: Renew Europe)

"I always have to be working on something; I like to learn new things. When I'm not busy designing, I do pole dancing and recently I started rollerblading," Cassandra says. Before becoming a full-time freelancer in July 2020, Cassandra worked at a digital agency called Pivott. "I worked there for almost five years. During that time, I was already part-time self-employed. Last year, I left the agency and became a full-time freelancer. Honestly, I didn't expect it to evolve so quickly. I've been lucky to have great clients and lots of work!" she admits.

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Cassandra Beyne

When asked why she chose the freelance path, she replied that freedom was the key ingredient. "One of the reasons I wanted to become a freelancer is because I can choose my clients and projects that I am excited about," Cassandra admits.

Discovering graphic design

As for her studies, Cassandra did not immediately know she would become a graphic designer. "Graphic design was not my first choice. I started studying architecture, but after three months of studying I knew it wasn't my thing. In architecture you always have to do projects, make plans and give presentations. My projects were not successful, but one of my teachers said that the way I present my ideas is exciting. On the teacher's advice, I switched to studying graphic design. And that was indeed the best decision," Cassandra explains.

<img class="editorial-image" src=""/> © Cassandra Beyne Grafisch ontwerp omvat veel verschillende vaardigheden, van webdesign, redactioneel ontwerp tot branding. Toen ze freelancer werd, besefte Cassandra dat ze zich wilde concentreren op de dingen waar ze goed in is en waar ze het meest van geniet: branding, het creëren van visuals en het bedenken van interessante visuele concepten. 

As a graphic designer, you can learn so much. I learned that you could do many things, like branding, and this is what I enjoyed doing. Finding the best creative solutions for clients, finding ideas, creating things; this is my thing. Thanks to graphic design, I discovered a whole new world.

Another area she likes to explore is typography (which is particularly notable in her work on the LGBTIQ campaign for Renew Europe). "I haven't been able to do much typography in recent years, but I still do it for myself. It's also something new that I like, and I want to play with it more in my future projects," she admits.

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One of the images made for the LGBTIQ campaign

Collaborating with Chase Creative on Renew Europe LGBTIQ campaign

Her connection to Chase came through Free, an account manager at Chase Creative. "Free introduced me to Chase. We knew each other from before, because we worked in the same building but for different agencies. She asked me if I wanted to work with Chase Creative on some projects, and I agreed without hesitation," says Cassandra.

Her work for the Renew Europe campaign brought fresh and bold imagery that highlighted critical messages about equality and inclusiveness. When it comes to brainstorming ideas at the beginning of a new project, Cassandra says her creative process is very chaotic.

"My creative process is usually very chaotic because I don't think in a straight line; it goes in all directions. I try many options and play with numerous ideas. The first concepts we presented to the client were nice, but they didn't see the proposed concept in line with how they wanted to communicate. Their feedback was clear, which helped me tremendously to better understand the direction I needed to take." The goal was to make an impact without an aggressive approach.

"We kept the core messages of the campaign and the images quite realistic, without too much focus on rainbow colors or other symbols of the LGBTQ community. It is more realistic to show normal people in normal situations. The blurring text supports the conclusion, the main fact that we should all have the same rights regardless of our sexual orientation, gender and physiological sex characteristics.

In the end, I think we struck the right balance between what the client envisioned and Chase Creative's brand style. It's such a relief when the client likes and approves of the creative concept and visuals. When a client is happy with my work, that makes it all worthwhile," Cassandra concludes.

Design is everywhere 

The impact of graphic design has always been great, but today, with digital media, graphic design has become such an intricate, ever-present thread in everything we interact, learn and experience.

Before studying graphic design, I didn't know the impact it had on our lives. Through graphic design you can convey messages and influence people; it is such a powerful communication tool.

<img class="editorial-image" src=""/> © Cassandra Beyne En daar waren we het helemaal mee eens. Grafisch ontwerp is overal - van websites, boeken, apps tot posters en banners die je op straat ziet. Dit creëert eindeloze mogelijkheden voor grafische ontwerpers om te gedijen en kansen te vinden. “Ik weet nog dat toen ik aan mijn studie begon, mensen dachten waarom ik ervoor koos om grafisch ontwerper te worden, aangezien er al zoveel grafisch ontwerpers zijn. Ik geloof dat er genoeg werk is voor elke ontwerper; iemand heeft de boeken ontworpen die je leest of de krantenartikelen die je leest; ze zijn ontworpen om het lezen te vergemakkelijken. Het klinkt misschien als een irrelevant, alledaags iets, maar door intelligent en goed ontwerp maken we het leven gemakkelijker en zeker leuker”, zegt Cassandra.

Cassandra is already discussing ideas for the next project with Chase. "The overall feedback I received from the team was positive, so I'm excited to see what the next project will be. I hope this is just the beginning of a long-term collaboration with Chase," Cassandra concludes.