My dive into Web3 - Interview with NFT artist Musketon

December 6, 2021
min read

My dive into Web3 - Interview with NFT artist Musketon
At Chase, we like to stay on top of new developments in the creative industry. Recently we have been exploring Web3 and in particular NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, for the laymen among us. It only seemed appropriate to bring in successful NFT artist Musketon to gain some insight into the medium and, in particular, how he managed to enrich his career as an illustrator by venturing into the realm of Web3.

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Musketon will elaborate on his path to NFTs, with all his trial and error, and offer insight into his creative process. This lecture is brought to you by Chase and KASK & Conservatory.

Ok, but what are NFTs?

The simplest way to explain NFTs is as a form of digital ownership. They link an account on the blockchain (another big word) to a unique digital collectible. This could be art, music or even a tweet. New technologies and innovations have always generated both interest and skepticism. This is nothing new. But NFTs in particular have created tidal waves within the creative industry. This digital art form has disrupted the creator economy and created new opportunities for bolder digital creatives. The craze began with Lava Labs' Cryptopunks. The pixelated avatars were once free to claim by anyone with an Ethereum wallet, but because of their limited availability, they quickly became a status symbol. Owners soon began selling them for huge sums of rock-hard crypto. If you want to buy one today, you can pay more than €300,000. That's just change for digital artist Beeple. He's been doing well on social media for a while, but he really made headlines when he sold his digital artwork "Everydays: the First 5000 Days" for a whopping €61.1 million.

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Taking out the middle man

One of the first things that came up during our conversation with Musketon was, "Why move away from traditional illustration and take risks by pursuing NFTs? What is the reward?". Musketon immediately explained that the personal contact between the artist and their buyers is dramatically improved by eliminating the middleman. In this case, galleries and sellers who take a large commission on artwork. This personal connection is central to Musketon's vision. Receiving feedback, creating pieces with his audience and getting to know his followers are key to creating a sense of community. According to Musketon, Twitter is the place for digital creatives who want to build a community around their NFTs.

You can make a really cool drawing and show it to me, and I'll think "okay cool". But if I don't know how much work you put into it or how your thought process was, it's less impressive.

Staying in close contact with your audience is not only about community building, but it can also be a mainstay in the artist's storytelling strategy. Potential buyers and art lovers are interested in the process. They want to feel awe at the number of hours put into the artwork. They need to be guided through the creative process. And most importantly, they want to learn more about the person behind the art.

Getting rich quick, but not really

People are quick to think, "I'll put an NFT online and sell it for 10 Ethereum, and I'll get rich overnight." It just doesn't work that way. And a lot of people don't get that.

Rome was not built in a day (or overnight). That doesn't mean that getting started with NFTs is difficult in itself. All you need is a digital wallet, an account on an NFT marketplace and a good dose of social media knowledge. Reddit is the place for NFT artists who want to share their art.

The chances of going viral are much higher on Reddit, while the Instagram algorithm is not built for sudden success. Musketon said, however, that Reddit is only for people with tough skin, as criticism can be pretty relentless.

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Tips for those venturing into NFTs

Many people may find NFTs daunting and scary at first. Yes, you will have to invest some time and money to learn the ropes, but the rewards can be great if you start on time. That's the first tip Musketon gave us: don't sit around waiting while other artists gain valuable experience.

Don't lose sight of what makes you unique. Try to focus on what you are good at and deliver quality. 90% of the NFTs out there are just shit."

In other words, don't do it for the money. People will feel the lack of authenticity. There are certain themes that work well in NFT spaces, but don't force yourself into a mold. Stay true to yourself and stick to your art.

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